Monday, July 17, 2006

Following up on Professor Hwang - is this a possible political economy of human genomics?

In relation to the faking of evidence by scientists in general, and in relation to the case of Professor Hwang in particular, Lisa Jardine makes the following observations:

"Political pressure from governments, pouring money directly into work in research areas they have set their hearts on leading, surely does have the capacity to distort even the best-established procedures.

What we must be watchful for are situations where the funding of science demands a rate of return on research investment that increases intolerably the temptation to gamble. Might the blame for Hwang's deception lie, ultimately, at the feet of those who financed him so lavishly, and the state machine that over-inflated his reputation?"

From The pressure to hoax: A POINT OF VIEW By Lisa Jardine

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